Thursday, September 11, 2014

Get Information in Person - Make Connections!

These days it is really easy to think that you can find all the information you need to know about colleges and universities online.  There is abundant information available on each school's website. You can find all kinds of ranking lists that rate colleges on areas of study and a variety of characteristics.  

However, there is still tremendous value in obtaining information in person and making a connection with a college representative face-to-face.  

If you aren't convinced, consider this story...

A high school counselor had a student who was very interested in a particular school.  The counselor and student realized that this was a "reach" school for the student (the student's grades and test scores were lower that the average students accepted at this particular school).  

The student did a lot of research on the school, made notes and a list of questions.  When the student attended the Shawnee Mission College Clinic she was prepared and asked the representative of her dream college a lot of questions.  They had a meaningful conversation and the college representative was very impressed by the student.  

The student was accepted to the school...her first choice for college.  

The counselor reports that the personal connection with the college representative made a significant impact on the student gaining acceptance.   

High school students....whether you have a list of favorite schools you would love to attend or you have no idea where you want to college, attend the College Clinic.  

Do a little research ahead of time.  Make a list of questions.  Be prepared to have conversations with college representatives. They want to talk to you.  They want to answer questions. 

The college representatives look forward to meeting you on October 15th!

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